Saturday, May 03, 2008


i saw a bunch of dogs juz now while cooling down after my jog. it was such a.. cute sight. it's like some dogwalking club and alot of their owners were with their dogs.. some caucasians too. and i was kinda surprised the dog owners juz let their dogs go into this pond (which i dunno was clean anot) and also let their dogs take sips of water from the pond. (yucks. anyway, i hope none of them get poisoned) i have a very poor vocabulary when it comes to the different breeds of dogs. but juz to name and describe a few out of the 20over dogs, there were - labradors(can't spell), maltase(eve's puppy), the police dog, the wolf-lookalike dog etc. haha. gosh, i really can't name the breeds. but they were all sooo cute and pretty and handsome :) [yes, i'm refering to the small/medium/big dogs, none of the dog owners caught my attention]

and then! i saw them walk up this trail which i have never noticed since i started joggin there for like 2 mths! OMG! the place i was jogging was this small park (the path is like round(200m per rd)) i noe the park leads to this other bigger park which i have nv gone to. and the grp of dog walkers came down from that side. AND THEN. they walk to this other side of the the small park and when INTO the 'forest'?! oh my god?! i didn't even noe there's a trail that ppl can walk on! i shall check it out the next time rd.

i shall so not rely on my wkends to catch up on my studies.

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